White Tablet (Sea To Sea)

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The White Tablet is a Alien Tablet that is used to unlock both doors in the Alien Thermal Plant, meaning two must be crafted. It can be unlocked via finding a singular fragment of it, located inside the skeleton of Research Specimen Theta. Due to this, it requires a Red Tablet to reach it. Once the player scans the broken fragment, they will unlock the tablet.

No physical versions of the tablet exists, meaning it has to be crafted.


Ion Cube.pngMagnetite Bar.pngMagnetite Bar.pngMagnetite Bar.pngUraninite Crystal.pngUraninite Crystal.pngUraninite Crystal.pngDiamond.png×6Luminol.png×5Lumenshroom Oil.png×4Arrow-right (1).pngFabricator.pngArrow-right (1).pngWhite Tablet.png